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Ires 10 January 2015

A lab when you threw the ball, a pit if you got testy, and always game, even when she couldn’t make the jumps anymore. Besties with friends old and new. She loved the beach, the mountains, the dog park, and riling everyone else up. Ires always went for it. Sometimes she didn’t make it and […]

X of the year 2013

Climbing: El Chontacoatlan, Taxco del Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico, Thanksgiving. I sent Mantis, the first pitch of Mala Fama, and Procopio, all third try. Great climbing, fun partners, one of the best trips ever. This is my favorite kind of climbing. Close second: Maple, May and September. Sent ZT and 49, several one-fall burns on Dry […]

August mist

A very lovely series of days, in late July, early August. The marine layer [1] is back, and with it, the parrots have returned [2]. Sunny, warm days with an onshore breeze, cool evenings. The 10 day forecast calls for more of the same. Fine by me, and I'm sure fine by the dogs. We've […]

I, for one, welcome our new canine overlords

Everything we thought we knew about dogs' thinking was wrong. Time to get to work training!


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Picture of the day, 21 April 2013

Fifteen years


Picture of the day, 7 January 2012

What puppies are good for.  


Late of an evening, one of the last runs of the summer for the dogs, though not for me. I like summer evenings. Cool, but I’m warm from the day, and old injuries stay old. Fading light, heading down into the arroyo, no one else to be seen for the entire distance. A coyote stands […]

Picture of the day, 21 May 2012

Picture of the day, 23 April 2012

I miss my pups. Another Milo doppelganger in Germany.

Art Morimitsu

The new penalty for walking your dog off leash

I didn’t know that you needed to have your ID to walk the dogs. And so much for the “Am I being detained? No? Then I’m exercising my constitutional rights and walking away.” I guess he’s “educated” now. As were the UC Davis protesters. Contempt of cop is a crime.

Reflections on dogs

Two days before Xmas in Southern California. Warm water, warm breeze, barefoot on the beach.

A & M at the Quarry