Brent Ware
Pasadena CA

- Education:
- Ph.D Physics, The University of Texas at Austin
- MSEE, The University of Texas at Arlington
- BSEE, Texas Tech University
- Experience:
- Senior Engineer, Interferometry and Large Optical
Systems, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/California Institute of
Technology (Caltech) - Pasadena, CA, August 2002 - present
- System Architect, Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer
(TPF-I). Responsible for determining instrument requirements based on
scientific inputs.
- Lead, TPF-I Modeling Team and Observatory Simulation (15
- Lead, TPF-I Planetary Signal Extraction Science Working
(interdisciplinary group of ~20 scientists from NASA, ESA,
universities, industry, and observatories; one thesis, several papers).
- Lead, Laser Interferometry Space Antenna (LISA) Frequency
Noise Simulation interdisciplinary group of >20 scientists from
NASA, ESA, JPL, Caltech, Astrium.
- Principal Investigator, Digital interferometry research and
technology development program.
- Principal Investigator, Range-gated metrology research and
technology development program.
- Principal Investigator, laser ranging control system research
and technology development program.
- LISA interferometry and metrology; testbed design, build,
operation; gravitational wave science instrument development,
simulation, design and test; real-time system development and
implementation; co-inventor of the phasemeter science instrument.
- GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Interferometer System
Engineer. Responsible for setting science and engineering
requirements, calibration plan, interface with international
- Scientist/Consultant/Author, BWare Consulting, Los
Angeles, CA, 1999-present
- Co-author of LAMP: Open Source Web Development,
Addison-Wesley, 2002. Fiber remote sensing, web design.
- Scientist, Mission Research Corporation - Los Angeles
- Laser remote sensing, data analysis, coherent optical and
electronic system design and development.
- Scientist, Terabeam Networks, Seattle, WA
- Gigabit optical and electronic free-space and fiber
telecommunications systems research, development, and design (employee
number 9).
- Post-Doctoral Scholar, Caltech, Laser Interferometer
Gravitational Observatory (LIGO)
- Design, modeling, simulation, and implementation of the LIGO
non-linear MIMO lock acquisition control system.
- Operation of the Caltech 40m prototype interferometer.
- Implementation of the data acquisition system for the 40m.
- Analysis of 40m data, development of analysis tools.
- Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Physics,
- Experiment E871 at Brookhaven National Laboratory - A search
for rare kaon decays, the most sensitive HEP experiment to date.
Designed and supervised production of 300 dual-output amplified
photomultiplier tube bases for the electromagnetic calorimeter.
Analyzed radiation damage in the calorimeter. Measured and analyzed
neutral particle flux from an integral beam stop. Tested and analyzed
muon interactions in the calorimeter for use as calibration. Assisted
in many aspects of the experimental upgrade from E791 to E871.
- BNL E888 - A search for the H dibaryon (thesis topic).
Analyzed data for evidence of the H. Rebuilt damaged multiwire drift
chambers. Modified experimental setup and electronics for H search.
- Both experiments involved fast analog and digital
electronics, pattern recognition and statistical analysis, detector
physics, data taking, and data analysis. I was the on-site expert for
the calorimeter and drift chambers and their associated electronics
during data-taking.
- Research Scientist Assistant, Applied Research
Laboratories, UT-Austin
- Design and development of two analog/digital and
digital/analog (DAC, ADC) converter circuits for high resolution sonars
(12 bit, 1 MHz), including printed circuit board (PCB) layout and FPGA
and PLD programming.
- Design, test, and purchase of real-time mass storage system
for a high resolution dual sonar system.
- Selection and purchase of computers and software for CAD/CAE
and code development.
- Design and development of low-power interface cards for
portable data gathering systems.
- Electrical Engineer, Corporate Research, Recognition
Equipment, Inc., Dallas
- Design and development of two high-speed (30 MHz),
high-resolution CCD cameras for imaging and optical character
recognition (OCR). These projects included optical design, mixed-signal
circuit design, analog/digital conversion, and digital signal
processing (DSP).
- Design and development of a state-of-the-art OCR system for
high-speed automatic postal letter sorting. This included digital and
analog design; programmable logic (PLD), specification and testing of
custom digital/analog integrated circuits; design, simulation, and
testing of analog semi-custom integrated circuits (ASIC).
- Design of pattern recognition algorithms using DSPs for
Federal Reserve currency verification.
- Design and development of a software neural network
- Evaluation and purchase of computer aided design and
engineering (CAD/CAE) systems for analog simulation, schematic capture,
digital signal processing, and image processing.
- Wrote SCSI driver for one of the first writeable optical
- Research in neural computing, adaptive signal processing,
pattern recognition, and image processing.
- Software Experience:
- Operating systems: OS X, Linux, Unix, Solaris, VMS, VM/CMS,
- Languages: C, Perl, FORTRAN, Pascal, assembly, REXX, LaTeX, web
development (Embperl, mod_perl, CGI, etc.), others.
- Applications: Matlab, LabVIEW, Zemax, OrCAD, PADS, VxWorks,
EPICS, Cadence, PAW, various CAD/CAE programs.
- Systems: Mac, x86, Sun, IBM RS6000 and 3090, DEC VAXen and
PDP-11, Apollo, Alliant, Intel, CDC 1604 and 6600, Cray.
Dean's List, Texas Tech University
President's List, Texas Tech University
Outstanding Contribution Award, Recognition Equipment
NASA Certificate of Recognition, "A fast offset laser phase-locking
system", 2007
NASA Certificate of Recognition, "High accuracy, high dynamic
range, RF phase measurement device", 2007
NASA Certificate of Recognition, "Digitally enhanced heterodyne
interferometry", 2008
NASA Certificate of Recognition, "Range-gated Metrology with
compact optical head", 2008
NASA Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contributions, 2009
NASA Certificate of Recognition, "Contributions to GFO LRI CDR",
NASA SPOT Award for Outstanding Performance, 2012
Selected Publications:
- Laser Ranging and Communications for LISA, Andrew Sutton,
Kirk McKenzie, Brent Ware, and Daniel A. Shaddock, Optics Express, Vol.
18, Issue 20, pp. 20759-20773 (2010)
- Experimental Demonstration of Time-Delay Interferometry for
the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, G. de Vine, B. Ware, K.
McKenzie, R. E. Spero, W. M. Klipstein, and D. A. Shaddock, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104,
211103 (2010)
- Digital Interferometry, B. Ware, 7th Amaldi Conference on
Gravitational Waves, Sydney, Australia, July 2007.
- Coherent range-gated laser displacement metrology with compact
optical head, O. P. Lay, S. Dubovitsky, D. A. Shaddock, and B.
Ware, Optics Letters, Vol. 32, Issue 20, pp. 2933-2935, 2007.
- Overview of the LISA Phasemeter, D. Shaddock, B. Ware,
P. G. Halverson, R.E. Spero and B. Klipstein, 6th International LISA
Symposium, Greenbelt, Maryland, June 19-23, 2006.
- Point Process Algorithm: A New Bayesian Approach for Planet
Signal Extraction with the Terrestrial Planet Finder K. A. Marsh,
T. Velusamy, B. Ware, The Astronomical
Journal 132 1789-1795, 2006.
- Planet Signal Extraction for the Terrestrial Planet Finder
David W. Draper, Nicholas M. Elias II, M. Charles Noecker, Philip J.
Dumont, Oliver P. Lay, and Brent Ware, The Astronomical Journal 131
1822-1836, 2006.
- Post-processed time-delay interferometry for LISA, D.
Shaddock, B. Ware, R. E. Spero, M. Vallisneri, Physical Review D 70
(8): October 2004, gr-qc/0406106.
- Modeling the TPF Interferometer, B. Ware and C. Henry,
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Glasgow, June 2004.
- Analysis of LIGO data for gravitational waves from binary
neutron stars, B. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration)
Physical Review D 69 (12), June 2004.
- Analysis of first LIGO science data for stochastic
gravitational waves, B. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific
Collaboration) Physical Review D 69 (12) June 2004.
- Setting upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational
waves from PSR J1939 + 2134 using the first science data from the GEO
600 and LIGO detectors, B. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific
Collaboration) Phys. Rev. D, Vol. 69, no. 8, 30 April 2004. gr-qc/0308050
- First upper limits from LIGO on gravitational wave bursts,
B. Abbott et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration) Phys. Rev. D, Vol. 69,
no. 10, 15 May 2004. gr-qc/0312056
- Upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves
from PSR J1939+2134, B. Allen, et al. (LIGO Scientific
Collaboration), Classical And Quantum Gravity 21 (5): S671-S676, March
7 2004
- Detector description and performance for the first coincidence
observations between LIGO and GEO, B. Abbott, et al., (LIGO
Scientific Collaboration), Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics
A, 517 (1-3): 154-179 Jan 21 2004
- A straw drift chamber spectrometer for studies of rare kaon
decays, K. Lang, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A522 (2004) 274-293 physics/0308047
- LAMP: Open Source
Web Development with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Perl/Python/PHP,
James Lee and Brent Ware, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
- Hacking Linux
Exposed by Hatch, Lee, and Kurtz, ISBN: 0072127732, Osborne
2001, contributor.
- A Compact Beam Stop for a Rare Kaon Decay Experiment, BNL
E871 Collaboration, J. Belz, et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A428
(1999) 239-262 hep-ex/9808037
- First Observation of the Rare Decay Mode KL0
--> e+e-, BNL E871 Collaboration, D.
Ambrose, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
81:4309-4312, 1998, hep-ex/9810007. "
far the smallest non-zero branching fraction yet measured in particle
- Search for the Weak Decay of an H Dibaryon, B. Ware for
the BNL E888 Collaboration, DPF 96, Minneapolis, MN, August 10-15,
1996. HTML Postscript
- Search for Diffractive Dissociation of a Long-lived H Dibaryon,
BNL E888 Collaboration, J. Belz, et al., Phys. Rev.
D53:3487-3491, 1996
- Search for Weak Decays of a Long-Lived H Dibaryon, BNL
E888 Collaboration, J. Belz, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
76:3277-3280, 1996. hep-ex/9603002
- Search for the Presence of H Particles in a Neutral Beam,
BNL E888 Collaboration, M. May, et al., Nucl. Phys. A585 (1995)
- All Strange and Terrible Events: A Search for the H Dibaryon,
UT-Austin Ph.D Thesis, December 1995. Gzipped Postscript PDF
- An Analysis of a Nonlinear Neural Network, UT-Arlington
Masters Thesis, August 1988.
- Phase measurement device using inphase and quadrature
components for phase estimation, United States Patent
7511469, P.G. Halverson, B. Ware, D. A. Shaddock, R.E. Spero, 2007
- Range-gated metrology with compact optical head, Serge
Dubovitsky; Daniel A. Shaddock; Brent Ware; Oliver P. Lay (applied for)
- Digitally enhanced heterodyne interferometry, Brent Ware;
Daniel A. Shaddock; Oliver P. Lay; Serge Dubovitsky (applied for)
© Brent Ware
Last modified: 10 June 2015