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Be careful what you wish for, Alice
The government again wants backdoors into all your encryption. This is a bad idea for many reasons – well, actually just one: backdoors for anyone are backdoors for everyone. But, wish granted! The VPN encryption that’s mandated to protect ITAR: What a surprise. From the folks you brought you the OPM, and Anthem attacks. You […]
Tagged SecurityNot overseas
I don’t really have healthcare, not outside the US. Not for anything short of life-threatening. My employer has been steadily decreasing options, and increasing prices for several years, so after paying the $$$ in order to stay out of an HMO, in the end that’s the choice I’m left with [1]. I’m back in the […]
Symantec IS a virus
Symantec taking up 219.7% of my work computer (octocore MBP) to examine a backup disk. Yay, ***IT! Also testing to make sure the fans still work, I suppose. They do.
Stupid iTunes Message
Yep, that’s right. 1.10 GB available, 8 MB required. 1.1 GB is more than 100 times as much as 8 MB. The status bar tells me that there is 4.4 GB free. Sigh…
Tagged appleDidn’t see that one coming
Paris. Either time. Nor any of the others. Too busy monitoring everyone’s GPS and email in the US, I suppose. Including the senators who are supposed to have oversight. Shut down the NSA. Salt the earth in Langley. Nothing good will ever grow from that ground.
Get off my lawn in the gym
I’m remarkably tolerant of the usual behavior in the gym that bugs other people. I don’t care if you grunt, scream, holler, breathe loud, drip sweat, or drop your weights. I like to see people try hard. It’s inspiring. I’ll do another set if I see someone gettin’ after it. I get motivated. I don’t […]
Credit where due
the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually […]
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