for AH
This is your game. I’ve never played before.FOLEY
It’s not a game. It’s not something you play.KAREN
Well, does this make any sense to you?FOLEY
It doesn’t have to, it’s something that happens.It’s like seeing someone for the first time,
like you could be passing on the street,
and you look at each other for a few seconds.
There’s this kind of recognition,
like you both know something.
The next moment the person’s gone,
and it’s too late to do anything about it.And you always remember it,
because it was there and you let it go,
and you think to yourself,
“What if I had stopped?
What if I had said something?
What if?
What if?”It may happen only a few times in your life.
Or once.FOLEY
Or once.
Out Of Sight (1998) movie script
by Scott Frank, production draft.
From the novel by Elmore Leonard.