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The cops found two people [1] to say that it was okay to kill a 12 year old boy carrying a toy gun at a park in a state with legal open carry, two seconds after arriving on the scene.  If you think that’s okay, maybe you shouldn’t be a cop. It’s not okay. It […]

Thanks, NSA!

Yet more proof that the slow-rolling Internet breakage caused by the NSA’s illegal activities continues. Was it worth it? Total up the damage to the hardware companies, from organizations that will no longer by Cisco routers or American airliners, or use Google or Amazon web services, to cloud companies that are going to have to […]

PotD 10 October 2015

PotD 9 October 2015

Don’t be posting up about that

Christ, what an asshole.  

PotD 8 October 2015

PotD 7 October 2015

PotD 6 October 2015

PotD 5 October 2015


In my distant youth, we used to wear an onion on our belt, as that was the style at the time. We also used to buy extra shoelaces, because they broke all the time. We had a drawer full of shoelaces of different colors and lengths, along with the shoe polish kit. Like modern cars […]

PotD 4 October 2015

PotD 3 October 2015

What are we going to do tonight?

Moore’s Law of Mad Science: Every eighteen months, the minimum IQ necessary to destroy the world drops by one point. –Eliezer Yudkowsky   Soon enough, it will be genetically modified mice we have to worry about hacking into OPM. I wonder if this takes into account the Flynn effect – IQ scores rise ~3/8 point […]

PotD 2 October 2015

Called it again

And now, via Experian, T-Mobile. As predicted. PII hacked again.