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PotD 20171108


PotD 20171107


PotD 20171106


PotD 20171105


Gold records and the golden age of broadcast TV

The Voyager Gold Record (now being overcelebrated for its Nth anniversary) attached to a spacecraft is a bit incongruous.  Not because of the somewhat tweeness of it – I think all spacecraft not destined to be crashed into a planet or sun ought to have some artistic/sociological document stuck to the side.  It’s just the […]

PotD 20171104


PotD 20171028


Left behind

Has there ever been a more useless convention than “On your left” (or right) when passing a pedestrian or slower bike? Nine times out of ten, the passee just goes in the direction you just hollered. It’s human nature! You hear “left”, you move left. But not always, so you can’t rely on it and […]

Completely unrelated

I’m sure that all my credit cards having to be shut down and replaced in the last month because of fraudulent charges, and my email/webserver getting DDOSed with password change requests have nothing to do with Equifax. Well, probably the latter is true. That’s all probably OPM/Anthem/general asshattery.

New gym music

I don’t mind kids at the gym playing their shitty music. I like new shitty music! I mind kids at the gym playing my old shitty music. Journey. Foreigner. Kenny Loggins. Loggins and Messina. Yacht Rock that is not Steely Dan or the Eagles [1]. Air Supply. Led Zeppelin. Give freakin’ Bob Marley a freakin’ […]

PotD 20171022


PotD 20171011


PotD 20171010


PotD 20171009


Airplane movie reviews August/September 2017 United/Swiss

I watched Season 1 of Billions because I’m a sucker for Damien Lewis and Paul Giamatti. Why am I rooting for the financialist? Because the alternative is to root for the prosecutor? Anyway, I enjoyed it, but have no desire to seek out S02. Like eating too much chocolate. On the return, I watched all […]
