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Onion. On belt. On fleek.
I was at this place. Never mind where. Someplace where I might be, but is unfortunately lots more hip than it would have been when I had any chance of being hip. Timing is everything. Lots of tattoos, interesting hair, clothes, hats. Listening to this fellow, 24 by his own account, talking to someone who […]
The US might be more religious whacky than Europe, passing stupid and embarrassing laws about porn and bathrooms, but at least we put a stop to that nonsense about the church bells. Really, five minutes on the hour beginning at 7 and going til 11? Then it settles down to only ringing the hour all […]
File under “shaking fist at clouds”
When I am god-emperor, tree trimmers will only be allowed to work from 8-5 M-F. Yes, I know that such things are necessary evils if you want to have trees in the ‘burbclaves, and we do. But under my regime, chainsaws and chippers will only be allowed during the hours when the majority of folks […]
Called it. Almost two years ago. No more anonymity for anyone.
I’m still on OS X 10.10 Yosemite, not El Capitan, because 1) I am accustomed to iPhoto and Aperture, and both will stop working eventually on El Capitan, and 2) Exchange works somewhat in 10.10 (on my home vanilla system it works fine and always has; on the semi-fucked-up work release of the same OS […]
OPM Hack
tl;dr: OPM database was tied to 007 database, but also to State Dept. Passport database, DOD service records, and pass-through access to a complete set of other extraordinarily sensitive National Security data, including detailed information on every US defense contractor facility, data about which defense facilities both USG and contractors may have visited, and any […]
Tagged data is toxic waste, hack, OPM, passport
Threat surface
My Employer decided the day after the Belgium incident (not the day of, oddly enough, though I certainly knew about it long before I went to work, so they must have, but didn’t react very quickly) to institute tougher security checks at the entrance. Physically touching peoples IDs (but not RFID scanning them, because no […]