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Will the Apple Watch not scratch the bezel of my MacBook Pro? Because my Tag-Heuer does. That's the reason I stopped wearing it. Because I kept taking it off to work, and that, my friends, is a recipe for me losing an expensive bit of kit that I love, but no longer wear on a […]
Caught up
I am finally up-to-date on New Yorkers. One in the gym bag for boring knee-induced elliptical sessions, and one on top of the toilet. And that’s it. This is the first time since two weeks after the first issue arrived. That’s it. No back stash for plane trips, no pile for taking on climbing trips. […]
This fellow gets fined an undisclosed amount for tagging a boulder in Joshua Tree. When the story is reported, you always see this photo: These folks are just super upset about this. As are these. Holy cow! Some furriner tagging the natural landscape in a national park! Get a rope! Of course there is no […]
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