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PotD 20190418
Tagged PotD
Another few things
My mobile phone is finally waterproof, so I don’t have to worry about the random drop of water taking setting off the moisture sensor and taking itself out of service. But given that my MBP costs about the same as the damn iPhone (within a factor of two), why isn’t the shitty keyboard also waterproof?
I mean, I know why. $$$. But holy cow. I’ve lost two to coffee and water, both spilled by someone else, both on long trips. What a PITA.
I don’t love Qualcomm, but I have no particular love of Intel either, and now maybe we’ll return to getting working modems, instead of this non-functional Intel one-bar POS. Apparently Apple has something on the order of 1500 engineers working on making their own modem. About damn time.
Tagged applePotD 20190417
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PotD 20190416
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PotD 20190415
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PotD 20190120
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Un triste jour
Tagged Notre Dame, Paris