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Happy happy joy joy
I learned to program on a CDC-1604, then a CDC-6400 (but those were punched cards), then a TI-990 (no memories of that editor). Then at my first real job, there was a PDP-11/34 which later turned into a VAX-11/780. So I learned to hack in EDT, followed by TPU, and they are deep in my […]
Under the gun
It’s called under-the-gun in THE. When you’re first bet after the dealer, and you have to act first. Ginsburg should retire tomorrow. She’s 83 and has had two different cancers. The GOP might be able to stall for a year on replacing Scalia. But they couldn’t stall if two justices need to be replaced. Do […]
Airplane movie reviews, December-February Swiss
Swiss hasn’t really changed their lineup in three months, so it’s been kinda boring. They seem to have made a deal with the Broccoli family, so they have all 26 James Bond movies, and who really needs to see any of those again? But they do clutter up the lineup and take up all the […]
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