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lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’

I give it six months

Back in the 90s, a Yosemite Park ranger claimed he was shot by someone he stopped acting suspiciously. Turns out, he shot himself and made up a story about a deranged gunman to cover it up. A manhunt ensued, the usual (innocent) suspects rounded up, and about six months later, park rangers everywhere had gone […]

Correlation is not… ah, never mind

Washington says Snowden leaks about spying on allies caused tension with allies. Or you know, maybe it was the spying.

Op-sec and blowback, aka good fences make for good neighbors

Given the recent past of US security chiefs committing perjury, and failing to understand operational security, it's not hard to believe that they might also have no concept of diplomacy and blowback. What could possibly go wrong?!? Well, so far, nothing. No events of consequence yet. Except the now inevitable, slow-moving, but inexorable process towards […]

Of course they’re only looking for terrorists

So when the NYC Police put undercover agents/provacateurs in Occupy Sandy, Occupy Wall Street, Critical Mass, political protesters, and anti-war protesters, it’s ok. Just don’t expect the same guy to act like a cop when there’s an actual crime going on. There’s no duty to protect amongst our new professionals.

Missed it by this much…

NSA didn’t interdict the communications of the Nairobi mall terrorists, despite their Twittering. Defund them. Scatter their ashes to the wind. Their productive operations are illegal, and their legal operations are unproductive.

What a surprise

NSA illegally spied on MLK, and US senators. If you think that's not going on now, you're an idiot. That's how they stay in power, and out of jail. Disband it. Scatter its ashes to the wind.  

Jurassic Park?

  Tyrannosaurus rex, or just the air compressor three floors below kicking on again? Yeah, this is supposed to be a scientific work environment.  

No privacy

Even if you try to use modern methods, you’re fucked. And a contract sysadmin exposed it to the world. Why do you not think that the Russian Mafia/CS13/PLA has it? It’s just good free-market economics. If one guy exposed it because he had morals, some other guy exposed it to the mob because he got […]

Lest you think…

Lest you think that it’s only me thinking such things, that perhaps the dose on my meds ought to be examined, right after I wrote that, I was reading the Atlantic [1]: Clearly there is government, and then there is government. The former is the tip of the iceberg that the public who watches C-SPAN […]


How is it not possible to believe that if a lowly contractor sysadmin can access anyone’s email, that the head of an organization with a $52 billion dollar budget does not get a daily summary of subject matter of the private emails of the most powerful people in the nation? Would it not be the […]

If you thought that the current administration was in any way better than the last

Obama wants warrantless access to your cell phone data. All your contacts, emails, texts, tweets, social networks, and words with friends plays. If you thought you voted for him because he would appoint more liberal Supreme Court members, here he is making a pitch directly to Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas. The fourth amendment takes another […]

Will destroy ya

I have… let’s say, acquaintances, who, when not on their meds, are certifiably insane. Committable. Seriously. I question my, and others’ safety when they’re off the meds. I would not be surprised if I read headlines. These folks are certain that satellites are watching them (if not actively shooting energy beams and thought control rays […]

“Very specific threat”

It’s so specific, it could happen yesterday. Or next week. Since the closure of 22 embassies has been extended through mid-August. Aside from the specific 22 embassies closed in the specific countries of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Yemen, Israel, […]

Sterling on Snowden, Assange, and what the moral high ground looks like these days

It’s all about Bradley shivering naked in his solitary cage, and Julian diligently typing in his book-lined closet at the embassy, and Ed bagging out behind the plastic seating of some airport, in a jetlag fit of black globalization that went on for a solid month. And, those tiny, confined, somehow united spaces are the […]

Dilbert nails it again

One assumes he’s taking ideas from people at my TLA organization. I used to send in ideas that he’d use. But it probably just means that it sucks just as much to work here as anyplace else. Add the guy without an inside voice whose job it is to talk on the phone all day, […]