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{ Category Archives } Rant

lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’

Sun rises in the east again

Though you’d never know it this time of year around here. As it turns out, there are about 10% more people on disability in 2013 after the greatest recession since the 30s than there were in 1995. And most of that is due to simple demographics – it’s the boomers. Big shock. But by all […]


Confirmation bias

So Apple maps does this when it’s released, first iteration: and it’s OMG, Apple Maps fail! But Google Maps does this six months later: and it’s art. All I know is that the week before Apple Maps came out, Google Maps sent me to the wrong location twice in one week, and not for the […]

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Bike lanes

This is not a bike lane. This is an invitation to get hit either by a car or by a door: This is not a bike lane. This is a stripe painted on the pavement in which cars park, which makes city planners feel better about themselves, but makes both cyclists and motorists angry, because […]

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In other news, sun rises in east

So Chana Joffe-Walt has discovered that, if you work backbreaking menial jobs all your life, and have little to no education [1], it's likely that when that backbreaking job actually breaks your back [2], you will not have the education to go get a desk job. Furthermore, in large parts of the country, especially the […]

Yet another reason why I don’t donate to NPR

Today I was listening with half an ear as I didn’t go to the gym, and heard this: “One thing most of us didn’t expect was the Iranians [going] from zero to 60 in about eight months,” Lewis notes. “China, Russia, these are responsible countries. They’re not going to start a war. How comfortable do […]

More MS Exchange stupidity

So not only does it slow down the entire octo-core Xeon machine to unusability, it's just dumb. Mired in 1995 feature. Can I set two alarms for an event? No! What would be the possible use of having an alarm the night before to remind me that I have a 7:30 am meeting? And also […]


So we've gone back to Daylight Savings Time, and I paid the price with a couple days of legally induced jet lag. But now we get more light at the end of the day, for those of us whose lives are run by Exchange. Why do we even change the clocks? Is it to satisfy […]

Yesterday Catch-22. Today M.A.S.H.

Attention. This is a test of the [blank] emergency announcement system. […] If you are unable to hear this announcement, please contact your floor safety coordinator. I'd call 'em just to fuck with them but it would cause more trouble than it's worth.  

It’s the best there is

In other lack-of-fourth-amendment news, the SC has now ruled that as long as you keep something illegal secret enough, then you don't have standing to challenge its harm to you. Is the NSA wiretapping you? Former techs have sworn under oath, yes. But since you can't prove that they are, you don't have standing. As […]


It’s good to be king

Money, sex, and coverups. All up in a puff of white smoke. Maybe they shouldn’t have made a pope out of a Nazi brown-shirt.

They’re not even pretending anymore

Even if the dog has already gotten it wrong twice on the same person, the dog is presumed reliable.  Meaning any cop can search anything they want just by getting their trained animal to “alert” on someone they don’t like.  Meaning anyone. And by “trained”, I mean trained to please their master, nothing more. You […]


So, I don't have cable anymore. I don't want to be that guy, and say that I don't watch TV [1], because I do watch TV. I have a big TV, and I love to watch it. I await 4k excitedly. I mercilessly mock those who think SD is good enough. It's not. HD barely […]

Does the pope wear a funny hat?

I thought it a bit odd that the pope was retiring (for “health” reasons) for the first time in six centuries, just a few days after the unredacted papers of the LA prelate were released. I didn’t see anything about it in the RSS feeds though, but Digby put voice to that nagging little thought […]

Good day to not be driving

If you own a blue Tacoma, or a black Honda Ridgeline, best to take the bus today. Because even if you’re a 71 year old Hispanic woman delivering papers, LAPD might put 46 rounds through your truck. Because the 270 lb African American guy is also a Master of Disguise. Oh, wait, that’s not even […]

I remember when…

Kids rode bikes, and old people drove everywhere. Now only old people ride bikes, and kids get driven everywhere. Walk? Nobody walks in LA.