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lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’

Can someone explain this to me?

Can someone explain to me this meme of “The government never created a single job”? Schoolteachers, police, and fire departments spring to mind, as do interstate highways, the USPS, the Army, water purification plants, Navy, aquaducts, Lockheed-Martin, and the REA. You can argue that it’s private citizens tax money that pays for those, but that’s […]


What Atrios said: […]it’s weird that Keynes is invoked sort of like he dabbled in arcane voodoo. If you implement policies that lay off a big chunk of your population and destroy functioning civil society, the consequences shouldn’t be much of a surprise. It’s not like it’s hard to explain, or understand. Yes, excess government […]


Smarter than the average bear

Bears use tools. Dolphins exchange names (obSimpsons: Treehouse of Horror – Night of the Dolphins). Humans had a good run but it’s over. Seriously, no one had ever seen a bear use a tool before? I personally witnessed a bear using a rock to break a lock off a bear box 15 years ago. And […]


If I were to do something so illegal as to download it from some site, I wouldn’t have to watch five minutes of unskippable commercials and FBI warnings in order to watch this movie. I want to watch this movie; I want to pay for it. Why are the movie companies punishing me for trying […]

It’s as though they’re having a sale on pitchforks and torches…

and they want us to know where to go first. I doubt that these guys are looking for coupons for Wheat Chex, so maybe unindicted criminals are a better place to start than with mere whingers.


“Adventure” pass tossed out

The hated “Adventure” Pass has been largely overruled. I don’t have my stack of tickets anymore, though at one point I got one with the number 100 circled in red on it, my 100th citation, I suppose. And I can’t count the number of times I argued with a ranger about these, and had them […]

Austerity for thee, not for me

Iceland does it right, gives the banks a haircut, and sends the banksters to jail. Economy recovers. Compare to Greece, Portugal, Ireland. Draw your own conclusions about whether Keynes was right, or whether the Hayek was right.


Just in case

Just in case you thought your nation ever had your best interests at heart — US injects random people with plutonium and pulls 15 of their teeth to study effects.

“Soundbite of laughter”

So I was lying in bed this morning listening to the radio. I’d prefer the BBC, but KPCC switches over to NPR far too early. Then I heard the dulcet, seemingly reasonable, tones of Renee Montagne say this: …we start with a reminder of the root of Europe’s financial crisis: European countries borrowed too much […]


Photography gearhead

It’s a very good time to be camera gearhead. For me, digital reached a watershed in 2008 with the digital F100, the D700 [1]. I suspect that I’ll be using this camera until it breaks. Even a couple months ago, at the end of its life, it was still listed as one of the ten […]

Some animals are more equal than others

One law for us, another law for them.


It’s not a bike lane…

if there are cars parked in it, ever. if a car door opening can take me out. if it’s got potholes or speedbumps or manhole covers or broken glass or worse asphalt than the street. If any of those are true, it’s just a sucker lane, and I’m not going to be in it.  


No right to informational privacy, episode N in a series

Sigh. Don’t check your personal email at work. And whatever you do, don’t blow any whistles. Aside from that, what a pain – everyone expects to be connected all the time now. If you’re expected to carry a work phone, don’t check your personal email on it.

I’m surprised I have to explain this to you (#N in a series)

California never really caught on to the whole left turn traffic light concept. Or rather, Californians are too easy going to want to sit for a signal. We assume that we’ll all work it out at the intersection. A bit optimistic… but, since there are comparatively few left turn traffic lights, the way we all […]

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The new penalty for walking your dog off leash

I didn’t know that you needed to have your ID to walk the dogs. And so much for the “Am I being detained? No? Then I’m exercising my constitutional rights and walking away.” I guess he’s “educated” now. As were the UC Davis protesters. Contempt of cop is a crime.