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{ Category Archives } Rant

lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’

Thanks, NSA!

Yet more proof that the slow-rolling Internet breakage caused by the NSA’s illegal activities continues. Was it worth it? Total up the damage to the hardware companies, from organizations that will no longer by Cisco routers or American airliners, or use Google or Amazon web services, to cloud companies that are going to have to […]

Don’t be posting up about that

Christ, what an asshole.  


In my distant youth, we used to wear an onion on our belt, as that was the style at the time. We also used to buy extra shoelaces, because they broke all the time. We had a drawer full of shoelaces of different colors and lengths, along with the shoe polish kit. Like modern cars […]

Called it again

And now, via Experian, T-Mobile. As predicted. PII hacked again.

Wasted, two

Now the Russkis are bombing the so-called moderate Syrian rebels [1], or as the WSJ likes to call them, “relatively moderate rebel factions like al-Qaeda“. Not the first to note this, but by declaring ISIS [2] the new enemy, and Assad the new Hitler, we’ve kickstarted Cold War V2.1 [3], except that Al Qaeda has […]


Trillions spent on the NSA to surveil politicians and citizens, and not a clue that the Taliban might not have surrendered. Or that our hand-trained moderate rebels won’t surrender the first time they meet OpFor. Oh, wait, that was last year. Lucy will totally not move the football this year, Charlie Brown.

Old tech

No adblocking, “for performance reasons”, for iPad 3 (the original retina display). Sigh. Even though it’s perfectly functional, and would benefit more from adblocking.

The fall guy

Whistleblower or fall guy, take your pick: “The test manipulations are a moral and political disaster for Volkswagen. The unlawful behaviour of engineers and technicians involved in engine development shocked Volkswagen just as much as it shocked the public. We can only apologise and ask our customers, the public, the authorities and our investors to […]


My gut, and my intellect, tell me that Uber [1] is a bad idea. There are reasons why we have taxi medallions – look at the places that don’t. Do you really want a million Uber drivers cruising around LAX looking for pickups? There are also reasons why we have employment laws, FICA payments, worker’s […]

Pasadena, where the overarching city principle is “No overnight parking 2-6 AM”*

* also never let a sucker make two lights in a row


In no particular order, organizations which have exposed varying degrees of my personal information [1], unwillingly given in the first place, to ill-willed people [2]: Anthem Target OPM NASA TMO   These are just the ones they’ve told me about.   Perhaps this is what Scott McNealy meant.         [1] And who […]

Putting things away

Not putting tools away says: I don’t respect others’ work. You’re saying, “The work I’m doing is important. I know where the tool is for the next time I need it because I know where I left it. However, the work you’re doing is not important. Because it’s not important, it’s ok for you to […]


This fellow gets fined an undisclosed amount for tagging a boulder in Joshua Tree. When the story is reported, you always see this photo: These folks are just super upset about this. As are these. Holy cow! Some furriner tagging the natural landscape in a national park! Get a rope! Of course there is no […]

Can’t wait for the Apple Watch

I remember the time I was shamed for glancing at my watch (once!) by someone who spent the entire evening checking their phone.


that even if you have a Ph.D or call yourself a “system administrator” in your email sig, you can still be stupid enough to reply-all to an all-hands email without a suppressed recipient list [1]. And then have 15 other people reply-all asking to “be taken of this list”, “”stop replying-all”, and “I think you […]