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Picture of the day, 18 December 2012


Utterly and completely corrupt

I was going to go off on a rant, but Matt Taibbi hit every note I was going to hit.

Launder billions of drug money at the highest level, and defer your bonus for five years. Defer. Not lose. Fall asleep on the subway, and spend the night in Rikers. And pay for the DNA sample they’re going to take.

The US government is utterly and completely corrupt, run by the banksters, for the banksters, and not even bothering to shear the sheep, just sending them off to the slaughter for maximum profit this quarter.


Scott Adams has spies everywhere

Dilbert is once again setting up shop in my workplace:

This is my day every day this week. Sigh. I used to be a scientist.

Also this. And this.

Picture of the day, 17 December 2012


And cops. Today a motorcycle cop almost hit me when he swung out and made a (what would be for any of the rest of us) illegal U-turn in order to give someone a ticket for DWB. Guess it was important to give that ticket Right Now, and not wait three seconds for me to not be in the way. Luckily there wasn’t a car parked right there or I’d have been off the bike again.

Add cops to the list of Things That Would Rather Kill Me On The Bike Rather Than Wait Five Seconds.


Everyone on the road is trying to kill me. Everyone. Trucks, vans, cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, cats, dogs, squirrels, rabbits, and cyclists.

This just in

Ghetto birds crash into each other, crime rate does not soar as criminals do not rush to take this opportunity to burglarize and escape undetected.  How on earth did we ever survive in the big city before helicopters circled overhead day and night?  Oh yeah, we spent the millions those helicopters cost on patrol cars and officers.

MS Exchange calendar is a slow, buggy, feature-poor, POS

But it’s the one that our (formerly MS-employed) CIO chose, so I have to use it at work.

Don’t get me started on the stupidity of the MS Exchange email server (vault?).

That is all.

Update: Apparently not all. I got tired of my IMAP laptop getting emails many times faster than my Exchange desktop, and switched the desktop to IMAP, and everything sped up again. It went from being dog-slow-googling-for-problem-fixes to normal again. So Exchange was completely bollixing up the ENTIRE COMPUTER. Yay MS. Don’t get me wrong, Exchange is still a slow buggy POS, and iCal is completely broken with it, but switching Mail from Exchange to IMAP was like getting a new computer (or my old computer back).

Climber hand care – a comprehensive guide

I only recently learned how to take care of my hands, and it has made a huge difference in my climbing. Maybe everyone else already knew this… but I only just got it sussed out. Here's what I've figured out:

  • Anti-hydral. Use as directed. You can of course find more links to its use. I use less than shown in these pictures, about once or twice a week, not more. Hopefully it's not giving me cancer or altering my DNA. If so, I would like climbing related superpowers, like gecko hands. And super-intelligence. And prescience. Though neither of those seem to make people happy.
  • Hand cream. Lots of different kinds. I like Climb-on, and Elizabeth Arden, and other people like JT hand salve. Several times a day.
  • Sandpaper sponge. Or pumice stone, but the pumice stone grit is highly variable, and I find that I never know what I'll get. Coarse is good for feet. Medium is good for hands. Fine is not abrasive enough for my hands. I got sandpaper blocks at Home Depot, 100 grit, but something like this probably works too.
  • Sharp scissors or fingernail clippers for trimming edges before they turn into flappers. I like these, though they are way expensive. They are way better than the kind you get at the drugstore for a dollar, though it's not clear that they are 18x better.
  • Rubber gloves for dishwashing, cleaning paintbrushes, any water intensive task. Don't let your skin get wrinkled.

That's it. Seems to put an end to the skin pain, and somewhat minimize flappers. It's daily maintenance, like shaving and brushing your teeth.

Update: I just climbed eight days out of twelve (2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off, 2 on, 1 off, 2 on), and skin pain was not an issue. Endurance and lack of bouldering power, on the other hand… So to speak. Where's the easy solution to that? Anyway, Hillbilly Limestone is off the tick list. Done.

Picture of the day, 17 November 2012

Picture of day, 16 November 2012

Ha ha!

Hoist by his own petard.

Picture of the day, 12 November 2012

All you need to know

About Petraeus.  Well, probably not all.  But a good start.

Eisenhower was too conservative. Not in his politics. He’s too left-wing for the Democratic party, and he’s practically a socialist to the GOP. But in his assessment of the MI complex.

And then there were none

Armistice Day, 2012