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Lisan al-Gaib

They think he is their Lisan al-Gaib, the mahdi, the one who will lead them to paradise. He wasn’t bred to be the Republican Bene Gesserit [1] Kwisatz Haderach; he arrived generations too early, before they were ready, and is not in their control. He lacks discipline [2], and he will bring the jihad. Reagan […]


If you are the security admin, and the security software company that you’ve chosen tells you that the admin password is “companyname123”, and you continued anyway, maybe it’s not totally their fault that you got pwned.   Well, yeah, it’s totally their fault. But totally yours too. You saw this coming.

Movie theatres are taxis

Movie theatres are taxis.     Anyone with a lick of sense understands why the concept of taxis and taxi medallions came about. Let me explain it to you, in case you haven’t been to a major airport since Uber and seen in action, or had to hike out to the Uber/Lyft/taxi lot instead of […]

PotD 20201130

Also what passes for autumn:


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The roads must roll

In a past life, I worked on one of the first AI/ML/NN [1] processors for postal machines (also built one of the first CCD cameras for them, and one of the first NN ASICS [2]). The most impressive part wasn’t the handwriting recognition (which wasn’t at that time any better than the hand-built emperically determined […]

PotD 20201127

What passes for autumn around here


Everything Jared Diamond told me was wrong.

I’ve been listening to a bunch of, well, I’m not sure what you’d call them. History, archeology, anthropology? Podcasts. That’s what I’ve been listening to [1]. Anything that’s not about today. And what I’ve learnt, from people who seem to be knowledgeable experts in their fields, is that all that time I spend reading Jared […]

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If everyone who told me that their dad had that car BITD really did, they would have sold a lot more than the 19,987 they really did from 1984-88.

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Exchange and the things people will believe

Why does Exchange show me the whole of the last month during the last week of the month, instead of this week, and the next month? Does anyone care what happened in the past month, versus what’s going to happen next month? I want to know what’s coming up. In a related note, I had […]