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PotD 20170926



I just went for a walk at the local mountain bike trailhead. In the full-to-overflow parking lot, there’s one trash can, no toilet, and cars parked down the street for a mile. Behind the first tree on the trail are uncountable fresh human turds, not to mention the inevitable dog and horse shit [1]. Turns […]

BWare’s commentary on the Law of Polite Speed and corollary

The speed limit in Utah and Colorado is 80 miles per hour. This is about 130 kph. For reference, the default speed in most of Europe seems to be about 120 kph, or 75 mph. Default! Most people seem to drive about 130 (80 mph), and no one seems to be too put out by […]

PotD 20170925


PotD 20170924


BWare’s Corollary to BWare’s Law of Polite Speed

The higher the difference between the actual speed and the posted speed, the more rude the drivers. –B. Ware 20170924

PotD 20170923


BWare’s Law of Polite Speed

The higher the speed limit, the more polite the drivers. –B. Ware 20170923

Double helix in the sky tonight

This is the day of the expanding man That shape is my shade There where I used to stand It seems like only yesterday I gazed through the glass At ramblers, wild gamblers That’s all in the past You call me a fool You say it’s a crazy scheme This one’s for real I already […]


PotD 20170805


Internet IRL

I literally had an old man yell at me [1] today to “Get off my lawn! [2]” And here I was thinking that was just a phrase on the intertubes.         [1] Well, at my dog. Then other things at me. [2] With more adjectives.


We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us. –Winston Churchill

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[…] there is no such thing as “Deregulation.” The choice is always simply between regulation by the public for the public or regulation by private powers for their personal benefit. In short, we must regulate our society through democracy, or the plutocrats will regulate our lives for us. — Matthew Stoller


Bob Dylan and me

Are both big fans of Moby Dick and The Odyssey. Now I’ll have to read All Quiet on the Western Front.


I may not be the strongest guy in the world. However, I just got back from a climbing trip, so I’m not in the worst shape, and I can’t get this prescription pill bottle open without some serious rrrrrr. What the heck is Kaiser thinking? Yeah, it’s safe from kids. Safe from anyone who doesn’t […]