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Error 53 or the FBI, and everyone else, pwns your device

You can either complain about Error 53 if someone-not-Apple replaces part of the Secure Enclave of your iPhone, or you can complain about the FBI having a backdoor into your iPhone (and by extension, the Russian Mafia – because if the FBI can do it, so can anyone else of moderate technical skills. The FBI […]

Seventeen years

  Congratulations, LIGO! Gravitational waves have been directly detected for the first time. Hulse and Taylor won a deserved Nobel for indirect detection, a measurement 13 years in the making. LIGO was longer in the making than that. This is such an impressive measurement! The first experiment I've worked on with a non-null result. I […]

Annoying Apple

Daily software update reminders. Both iOS and OS X. OS X: I like iPhoto and Aperture and I don’t want to update and lose them. iOS: I am often traveling and I’m not going to update the software with any chance of bricking my phone and/or iPad until I get home. Just. Not. Gonna. Happen. […]


I would love to be a more involved voter. I live in one of the biggest cities in the world, in one of the richest, most populous, and educated regions on earth – one of the most influential has ever existed on earth in the history of homo sapiens sapiens. And it will all be […]


There are few things more dangerous than a mom with a mobile in a minivan and a moppet at 7:45.

PotD 19 January 2016

PotD 18 January 2016

PotD 17 January 2016

PotD 16 January 2016

PotD 15 January 2016

PotD 14 January 2016

PotD 13 January 2016

PotD 12 January 2016

PotD 11 January 2016

PotD 10 January 2016