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Error 53 or the FBI, and everyone else, pwns your device

You can either complain about Error 53 if someone-not-Apple replaces part of the Secure Enclave of your iPhone, or you can complain about the FBI having a backdoor into your iPhone (and by extension, the Russian Mafia – because if the FBI can do it, so can anyone else of moderate technical skills. The FBI are a bunch of hacks).

But you can’t have both a secure phone, and allow third parties to change out fingerprint sensors.

In this case, the FBI is asking for a court order for a Silicon Valley company to write a special one-off version of the OS that will allow hacking. Imagine what happens if that succeeds. Every company in the US will be subject to court orders to rewrite their OS to allow the government to do something.

The end result of that, I think, would be for software operations to move off-shore. Goodbye, Silicon Valley.

Or, as Apple has tried to do, with the hacker community up-in-arms about no-right-to-repair iPhones, install a Secure Enclave of encrypted parts that not even the manufacturer can undo. In fact, if you get a repair with a manufacturer-unsigned part (third party), as the FBI (or the FSB – pick your TLA, not all of them are friendly) might try, the phone bricks.

Even the manufacturer can’t repair the part without wiping the phone. Hope you’ve got a backup.

Seventeen years


Congratulations, LIGO! Gravitational waves have been directly detected for the first time. Hulse and Taylor won a deserved Nobel for indirect detection, a measurement 13 years in the making. LIGO was longer in the making than that. This is such an impressive measurement! The first experiment I've worked on with a non-null result.

I am so proud to have worked on this, even for a little while. I gave three years to LIGO, a gravitational wave detector, and fourteen to LISA, a gravitational wave observatory.

Well done, colleagues. I find myself surprisingly affected.

It was good to see so many familiar faces, aged a bit, in the announcement.

Now we need to build LISA, an observatory whose limiting background noise will be these sorts of events, and we shouldn't wait until 2034 to do so.

It makes me no end of sad that the NASA LISA website is marked “maintained for archival purposes only”.


Annoying Apple

  • Daily software update reminders. Both iOS and OS X.
    • OS X: I like iPhoto and Aperture and I don’t want to update and lose them.
    • iOS: I am often traveling and I’m not going to update the software with any chance of bricking my phone and/or iPad until I get home.
  • Just. Not. Gonna. Happen. Leave me alone. Every goddamn day. Sometimes multiple times per day.
  • Notifications popping up while navigating and demanding to be dismissed. Software update and WiFi, I’m looking at you. No, I don’t want to enter the non-existent password to the ATTWifi network that I’ve never connected to while I’m driving, or have to dismiss it while I’m trying to figure out how to follow the direction to turn that came five seconds too late.
  • iPhone iTunes continually prompting me to join Apple Music. No, I just want to play the damn music I bought or stole off of Napster. Every goddamn time.
  • Every time I connect to my car stereo, iOS Music forgets where I was (well, sometimes it strategically defaults back to Apple Music, see above), and defaults to the alphabetically first song, sets itself to repeat, and takes itself off shuffle. What’s wrong with remembering the last song I played in the playlist I was in before I got out of the car, and that the playlist was in shuffle mode?
  • And oh yeah, when the BMW I was driving kept losing the Bluetooth (apparently), when Maps came back up, it says “Continue straight”. About four hundred times. Eventually I disconnected Bluetooth and just plugged it in with a wire.
  • Everytime I plug my phone into the stereo, it tried to fire up Pandora, even though I’ve deleted Pandora. Why can’t it default to playing the 120GB of music that’s already on the phone? This might not be Apple’s fault…
  • Why can’t I delete iOS apps? Yeah, I’m done with it. I want it off my computer. Some of these are gigabytes. Also I don’t want the work apps auto-downloading to my personal iOS devices, as they tend to do regularly, even though I’ve deleted them multiple times from both the device and iTunes.
  • Email fencing. If I’m sending from, default to, instead of And vice versa. Chances are, if I’m in the work account, I don’t want to send it to my colleagues personal email.
  • Stop opening Safari windows I have closed when I click a link in another program. OS X always defaults to one window being prime, and if something is opened from another program, it opens that window whether it’s hidden or not.
  • Does no one at Apple have calloused fingers? My moderately rough climbing fingers keep getting interpreted as a pinch-zoom. And Apple-0 does not return the window to actual size.


I would love to be a more involved voter. I live in one of the biggest cities in the world, in one of the richest, most populous, and educated regions on earth – one of the most influential has ever existed on earth in the history of homo sapiens sapiens.

And it will all be over by the time anything I can do will influence it. I’m not a billionaire, so I can’t influence it by donating money. I don’t live in Iowa or New Hampshire, so the primaries which select the candidates, will have been decided by the time I get to vote in the primaries.

Same for the actual election between the candidates that we didn’t get to choose. Other than the fig leaf of not calling the election til the polls on the Left Coast close, it will already have been decided by the time the polls close on the Left Coast.

It’s somehow far more important that a bunch of superstitious hog farmers and racist hicks from the flyover states decide the candidates and the election than it is that the population of 80% of the country do. The candidates can deride New York morals and Silicon Valley ethos and Hollywood ethics, but this is where the country lives. New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Everyone who comes to the Rose Bowl on New Years Day ends up wanting to live in Pasadena. No one lives on farms anymore, and no one in their right minds wants to.

When I meet someone who tells me they dream of moving to a small town and live on a farm, I back away slowly, same as I do the fellow telling me about Tower 7. And he’s far more likely to be right than the god-botherers from Iowa, or the honest-labor-back-to-the-earth idiots who imagine that getting horseshit kicked into your mouth at branding time somehow imparts wisdom.

And I meet those kind of people all the time. They are quite literally divorced from reality. Their grandparents sweated blood to get away from the smalltown gossips in Bumfuck OH and slopping pigs, and their idiot grandchildren want to get back to it? Except not really – they’re never going to do it. They’re never going to be that far from a Whole Foods. They just romanticize it and allow the idiots in Iowa to select the people who are going to run the country. Not with good results.

Those are the kind of people determining the candidates, and that’s why a short-fingered vulgarian and a serial dissembler who was stupid enough to use a personal email server are the main candidates for Leader of the Free World.

You can talk about how to increase voter turnout. Impose fines for not voting, as Australia. Make Election Day a holiday, as the rest of the world. But as long as the candidates are selected by two of the smallest non-representative hick states, and the elections are determined before the polls in the richest and most educated region in the world close, it’s all bullshit.

I drove an hour this morning listening to election coverage from public radio. And not a word was said about the candidates differing stances. It was all just horserace this-candidate-ahead-five-in-this-bullshit-poll, and the-other-ahead-three-in-the-other-bullshit-poll. Fuck you Don Ganje and Mara Liasson NPR. Another reason why you’ll never get a dime from me. I hope the Republicans, when they control both the House and Senate, cut your funding to zero. Although I don’t know why they would, given the sloppy blowjobs you give them every time they’re on your station.


There are few things more dangerous than a mom with a mobile in a minivan and a moppet at 7:45.

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