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Yet another B. Ware

Forecloses on banks, apparently.


Red tails

There are two red tail hawks circling at the height of my window about 50 m away.  It’s another perfect 72 F So Cal day, visibility absolutely crystal.

The iPhone 4S not good enough to capture this, unfortunately.  And the D700, lovely though it is, is too big, and too expensive, to bicycle in with.  Which is why a NEX-7 is in my future. Though the Fuji X-Pro1 looks very sweet. Big, expensive, and no IS. And the Olympus OM-D… It’s the best of times, and the worst of time to be a photographer. Lots of good affordable gear, but no way to make a living doing it anymore.

X of the year, 2011


89 F

Trolley cars

Quote of the day, 3 January 2012

This is a test of the XXX public announcement system. If you can’t hear this announcement, please contact your floor warden.

I am not making this up. Yes, I work at a semi-famous FFRDC, which supposedly hires smart people.

Why I don’t go to the movie theatre anymore

Yeah, that screen is about as big as it looks. No trickery here.

Free money

[T]here was a way to hand it free money which would benefit all of us and the banksters. I’m partial to the “just drop money from helicopters” way of giving out free money, but there were other ways. The “here’s a $20,000 voucher to pay off your mortgage and/or credit card” would have been a way. The point is, the banks would have gotten their money anyway and the rest of us would have benefited too.

I know I’m repeating myself on this issue. It’s because people’s brains freeze up a bit when you talk about the central bank creating money and handing it out. But that’s what they’re doing! They’re just not doing it in a way which benefits people broadly, they’re doing it in a way which benefits rich assholes.

This has been another edition of “What Atrios said, 28 December 2011.”

Ending short term thinking

A large number of rent-collectors and financial middlemen making vast amounts of money are keeping the current system in place. The fact that what they are doing is destroying the economy will not sway their thinking. As Upton Sinclair noted, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Steve Denning, reviewing Roger L. Martin’s Fixing the Game: Bubbles, Crashes, and What Capitalism Can Learn from the NFL. Harvard Business Review Press 2011.

Golden Gun Investigations & Bloom’s Saloon

Quote of the day, 26 December 2011

To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.

–George Orwell, ‘In Front of Your Nose’, Tribune, March 22, 1946.

I’ll take the fifth…

Or not, it seems.

Another amendment down.


Reflections on dogs

Two days before Xmas in Southern California. Warm water, warm breeze, barefoot on the beach.

Reflections on dogs; or of dogs

You never want to see your pilot do this…

You never want to see your pilot do this...


I can see my house from here

Probably shouldn’t be flying when the forecast is for 50 knot Santa Ana winds. But what the heck. It was quiet as a church on the ground, nary a whisper, but quite bumpy in the air, so we didn’t stay up long.