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Shitcoin for nothing
imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved Sudokus you could trade for heroin — white smoke gamer pope (@Theophite) August 16, 2018 I think of this succinct explanation of shitcoin every time I go to the vet, and all the late model Jeeps, Raptors, and MB SUVs are just sitting there idling with […]
PotD 20210418
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PotD 20210305
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PotD 20210304
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PotD 20210303
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Stupid, and stupider
Every time I listen to Radiolab, or The Hidden Brain, it actively makes me stupider. Not just with what’s got to be the hosts willful pretend [1] stupidity in order to get the presenter to explain it to them, but the whooshing sound as the point is missed over and over again. [1] […]
PotD 20210301
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PotD 20210228
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Suspension of suspension of belief
Is it too old-man-yelling-at-clouds to point out that just obvious stupid errors completely pull me out of the movie you are trying to get me to watch? Maybe Netflix doesn’t care, because it happens 15 minutes in, so it’s already counted as a view for their made-up numbers. To wit: “Outside the Wire”: “How […]
Surprisingly mandatory
If the bike radar is out of juice, I don’t go until it’s recharged. That’s almost true of the HUD. And I’m going to cry when that dies, because they don’t make it anymore, and the alternatives are 1) expensive 2) proprietary and 3) made by small companies likely to go out of business. Like […]
Buy once, cry once
It turns out that bike clothing is another buy once, cry once item. Generic $50 bike store and manufacturer jerseys and chamois suck. Mid-level ($100 on sale) are somewhat better. But the $200 on sale stuff is the shit. Zippers that work with one hand. Padding that doesn’t roll up and cause sores. Pockets that […]
Year old NYers
I started the madness about a year behind on my NYer subscription, stacked up on my nightstand. Home for every shit, I’m catching up now. It’s a relief, in some sense, to be that far behind, pre-whatever-this-is. I don’t have to read a 20,000 word piece on Pete Buttagieg (whatever). Saved myself that brainspace. […]
I’m surprised I have to keep telling you this
If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him. –Attributed to Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu et de Fronsac (9 September 1585 – 4 December 1642) Don’t write anything you can phone. Don’t phone anything you […]
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Vulture cap
Reagan said that the scariest words in the English language were “I’m here from the government, and I’m here to help”, but I have to figure that “Your employer just got bought by Bain Capital” are scarier, and a lot more immediate.
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