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The blessing of autocorrect
Call it BWare’s Attribution: errors once deplored, or used as indicators or intellectual superiority, are now forgiven, as all our writings suffer the gentle ministrations of autocorrect.
What it should have been
You know what the funniest thing about Europe is? If you ask for a gin and tonic, you get a little bit of gin poured over a lot of crushed ice, and a small bottle of tonic water. You get the right proportion of gin-to-tonic exactly one moment; from then on, you’re drinking gin-flavored watered […]
Things that are better than they were:
Cars. In every metric. Safety, handling, speed, reliability. Cup holders! Across the board, every model is better than its counterpart, and not just by a little. It’s probably even arguable that every car sold in the US this year is better than any car sold up until about 1989. Maybe a ’63 Stingray is more […]