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{ Category Archives } Bicycle

about bikes; mostly about not getting killed whilst doing so.

Good news, everyone!

I just noticed that the red-light camera downtown is gone, and the LAT confirms it. Mostly I suspect because it wasn’t making the city money, but when things get better for any reason, it’s reason to be happy. Meantime, the USFS put in a Z-gate at the top of the access road on the way […]

Finely tuned

You ride the bike, or drive the fun car, for weeks and months, and it all seems to be fine, everything sounds good, feels good. Then you take it in to get something fixed, broken spoke, or oil change, and get it tuned up, cause why not? It’s been a while. And when you get […]


I got yelled at this morning for not getting out of the way on my bike. Never mind that it was a one-lane construction zone with workers everywhere, speed limit 15 MPH signs, and that I was right on the tail of the car in front of me, when we got to the red light, […]

First one of the year

Today I swallowed the first bug of the year.

It’s not a bike lane…

if there are cars parked in it, ever. if a car door opening can take me out. if it’s got potholes or speedbumps or manhole covers or broken glass or worse asphalt than the street. If any of those are true, it’s just a sucker lane, and I’m not going to be in it.  
