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Marked to market

Putting more lie to the “shocked, shocked” meme. Collaboration with the spies is being marked to market. Chickens are coming home to roost. Pick your metaphor. I think it’s unlikely these will get very far in the courts, but it means I’m not the only one having these thoughts.

Wrong company

So Evil Megacorp bought a robotics company. Clearly I’m not a mega-evil-genius (though I’m open to offers), but it seems to me that scary robots are something that pretty much anyone with a few million dollars can build. Patents are expired, the field is open to anyone. Boston Dynamics built some cool tech, but people […]

Gravity: review

Aside from the minor orbital mechanics impossibilities and the Spielbergian dead kid tear-jerking, why did she keep taking off her helmet? If you were entering a spacecraft you had never been inside in the middle of a debris storm that had caused every one else to abandon ship, would you take your helmet off? I […]

No more

About 10 million deaths. About 65 million participants. The last died in 2012, at the age of 110. Soon enough, there will be no one on this planet who remembers the first Armistice Day. The entire population of the planet, all seven billion and rising, turns over completely every 120 years. No exceptions, no reprieves.

Picture of the day, 3 September 2013

August mist

A very lovely series of days, in late July, early August. The marine layer [1] is back, and with it, the parrots have returned [2]. Sunny, warm days with an onshore breeze, cool evenings. The 10 day forecast calls for more of the same. Fine by me, and I'm sure fine by the dogs. We've […]

Next up, frogs, boils, and pestilence

It’s raining in SoCal. In July. With blue sky above. Not just a little bit either. A pretty good shower. First world problems: top is down on the fun car.


That if you give Stellan Skarsgård a metal Halliburton case, bad things are going to happen.

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Wait.  Tumblr, which has no path to monetization other than clickthru ads, which were worth about a quarter per thousand last I heard, is worth $1.1B.  Hulu, which has paying subscribers, ad revenue from major corporations, and the most important thing of all, access to content that people might want to pay for, is worth […]


Two A things

Archer makes me laugh uncontrollably. Every episode. Atrios hits the nail on the head. Almost every time.


I like to sign other people up to play the NPR Sunday Puzzle on air. It hasn’t happened yet, but imagine their surprise when they get the phone call.

Blue screen

So all the techie sites now have leaks, screenshots if you will, of Windows Blue. Windows Blue Screen shots. If I were a marketing guy, and one of the biggest claims to infamy of my past products was the Blue Screen of Death, would I want to call my new product “Blue”, and know that […]

I remember when…

Kids rode bikes, and old people drove everywhere. Now only old people ride bikes, and kids get driven everywhere. Walk? Nobody walks in LA.

A parody of itself

Generic google news: I suppose I could google the “twin states” but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard that term before in all my days. They could have used Springfield for full genericness.

Rocket science

Yes, I are a rocket scientist. And yes, I took this screenshot today. Nothing but modern tools for us. And I wasn't using IE.