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lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’


I keep running into self-designated “trad” [1] climbers at well-known sport crags. They make their disdain of this bastardization of their religion clear [2] but so many of their friends do it, and seem to have fun, they grit their teeth and give it a try. But never let you forget that this isn’t “real” […]

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So my work email server decided once again to be incompatible with Apple Mail . I could see my inbox, but all archived mail Went Away . Still, Outlook sucks. Search is horrible. In looking for the solution, I found the interesting official Apple Exchange Support document: 11k emails max! 5k emails recommended! Are you […]

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I tend to think that the lack of parking for the n-thousand employees where I work, even after recently spending tens-of-millions on a (too-small-even-when-planned [1]) parking garage, was just general bureaucratic ineptitude. But since the general result is that you have to come in early to get parking, and you can’t leave to take an […]

The map is not the territory

I want smarter maps. Maps that work like I use them. Surely these use cases must be true for techbros too, even if they are taking the Apple bus [1]. Directions only if there’s traffic: I know where I’m going. I don’t need directions. Just tell me if I should change my route because of […]


Hertz (German and American division) have weird ideas about what constitutes an “upgrade.” To them, an “upgrade” is bigger. To me, in that context, an upgrade is a bigger pain in the ass to park, less fun to drive, and sucks down more petrol. To me, and Hertz Zurich (mostly), an “upgrade” is nicer, or […]

Gold records and the golden age of broadcast TV

The Voyager Gold Record (now being overcelebrated for its Nth anniversary) attached to a spacecraft is a bit incongruous.  Not because of the somewhat tweeness of it – I think all spacecraft not destined to be crashed into a planet or sun ought to have some artistic/sociological document stuck to the side.  It’s just the […]

Left behind

Has there ever been a more useless convention than “On your left” (or right) when passing a pedestrian or slower bike? Nine times out of ten, the passee just goes in the direction you just hollered. It’s human nature! You hear “left”, you move left. But not always, so you can’t rely on it and […]

Completely unrelated

I’m sure that all my credit cards having to be shut down and replaced in the last month because of fraudulent charges, and my email/webserver getting DDOSed with password change requests have nothing to do with Equifax. Well, probably the latter is true. That’s all probably OPM/Anthem/general asshattery.

New gym music

I don’t mind kids at the gym playing their shitty music. I like new shitty music! I mind kids at the gym playing my old shitty music. Journey. Foreigner. Kenny Loggins. Loggins and Messina. Yacht Rock that is not Steely Dan or the Eagles [1]. Air Supply. Led Zeppelin. Give freakin’ Bob Marley a freakin’ […]

BWare’s law of security breaches

Whatever the first number they tell you is, it’s wrong, and not in the good direction.

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I just went for a walk at the local mountain bike trailhead. In the full-to-overflow parking lot, there’s one trash can, no toilet, and cars parked down the street for a mile. Behind the first tree on the trail are uncountable fresh human turds, not to mention the inevitable dog and horse shit [1]. Turns […]


I may not be the strongest guy in the world. However, I just got back from a climbing trip, so I’m not in the worst shape, and I can’t get this prescription pill bottle open without some serious rrrrrr. What the heck is Kaiser thinking? Yeah, it’s safe from kids. Safe from anyone who doesn’t […]

It goes, boys!

To quote my friend LH with regard to something she did a while back. Honnold solos El Cap. Not exactly a surprise, as most everyone expected that it would be done, and he’d be the one to do it, but still, a welcome surprise. Well done, sir! What is also not surprising is the pearl-clutching […]

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Rocket ships and immortality

My private mental ravings put into words, better, by someone else… [A]n important question is how this globalized, unaccountable tech industry sees its goals. What does it want? What will all the profits be invested in? What is the plan? The honest answer is: rocket ships and immortality. I wish I was kidding. — Maciej […]

Just sayin’

I’m not saying this is all because the Cubs won the Series… but it’s because the Cubs won the series.