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Wasted, two

Now the Russkis are bombing the so-called moderate Syrian rebels [1], or as the WSJ likes to call them, “relatively moderate rebel factions like al-Qaeda“.

Not the first to note this, but by declaring ISIS [2] the new enemy, and Assad the new Hitler, we’ve kickstarted Cold War V2.1 [3], except that Al Qaeda has taken over the role formerly played by pre-Apartheid S. Africa – odious but necessary. But more with the odious. Sad to say that it’s possible.


[1] As opposed to the US-trained moderate Syrian rebels who gave all their vehicles and weapons to Al Qaeda and ran away. Wait. I guess Al Qaeda was US trained and armed too. It gets harder and harder to make distinctions between mortal enemies and firm allies. But never Saudi Arabia, where 15 of the 19 came from.

[2] Not the fun ISIS. Which, by the way, has been going downhill since S03 ended.

[3] 2.0 was breaking the Budapest Memorandum with the Ukraine/Crimea that Clinton signed with Yeltsin and Major in turn for them giving up the nukes that the former USSR had abandoned there. I guess that ploy won’t work twice. Probably doesn’t help with negotiating with North Korea. Or Pakistan. Or Iran. But that was 1994, so the statute of limitations has probably expired on that. And Clinton wasn’t a real president anyway.

PotD 1 October 2015

Prague 2015-09-12

PotD 30 September 2015

Lyon 2015-09-01


Trillions spent on the NSA to surveil politicians and citizens, and not a clue that the Taliban might not have surrendered.

Or that our hand-trained moderate rebels won’t surrender the first time they meet OpFor.

Oh, wait, that was last year. Lucy will totally not move the football this year, Charlie Brown.

PotD 28 September 2015

Prague 2015-09-13

Old tech

No adblocking, “for performance reasons”, for iPad 3 (the original retina display). Sigh. Even though it’s perfectly functional, and would benefit more from adblocking.

The fall guy

Whistleblower or fall guy, take your pick:

“The test manipulations are a moral and political disaster for Volkswagen. The unlawful behaviour of engineers and technicians involved in engine development shocked Volkswagen just as much as it shocked the public. We can only apologise and ask our customers, the public, the authorities and our investors to give us a chance to make amends.”

Either way, you were fucked from the start, when the C-level came to you with this idea on the DL – no email if they had any sense, but it wouldn’t make any difference anyway. They can afford lawyers, you see. Cost of doing business. Martin Winterkorn will get his €60 million golden handshake, and you’ll be hung out to dry. Your choice always sucked, but you could have had honor.

PotD 26 September 2015


PotD 25 September 2015



My gut, and my intellect, tell me that Uber [1] is a bad idea. There are reasons why we have taxi medallions – look at the places that don’t. Do you really want a million Uber drivers cruising around LAX looking for pickups? There are also reasons why we have employment laws, FICA payments, worker’s comp, commercial drivers licenses and insurance, and 40 hour work weeks. And all the ways that these “sharing” startups make money is to get around all these things. They’re huge backward steps for workers everywhere [2].

So I try to take taxis. But jesus god, fucking taxis are not good advertisements for themselves [3]. Last time I was verging on an asthma attack by the time I got home, from the second-hand lingering smoke. Time before that, the Senagalese driver thought he was saving gas by not running the AC. In LA. In July. Yesterday, I checked for AC and non-smoking, but Bell Cab puts up a bullet-proof plastic barrier between the front and back seat. Jet-lagged me didn’t twig on that, so still no AC for the 90 minute ride home. In September. In LA 5 PM traffic [4].

If there’s any industry that deserves to be regulated, it’s people driving other people for money. If there’s any industry that deserves to be disrupted, it’s taxis. But the “sharing” economy seems to be a remarkably self-defeating way to disrupt it. We’ll end up with the worst of both worlds – a million crappy unregulated jitneys driven by under-employed workers not counted in U6 who can’t afford to pay for maintenance on the beater cars they’re driving. Instead of ten thousand crappy economically and safety regulated yellow cabs [6].


[1] and AirBnB, and Kickstarter, and Lyft – the whole “sharing” economy, except there’s no sharing of your sweat equity that is making the CEOs of these companies billionaires.

[2] Which, by the way, is you. You are never going to be rich. You are never going to show your deck to an angel and discuss A round funding. If you were, you would have already. Several times.

[3] Don’t get me started on why my employer will reimburse me for a $125 taxi from LAX to home, but won’t reimburse me for a $90 “limo” service for the same distance. Even though both are Prius’ these days. It’s just that the latter is clean, has water, AC, is smoke-free, a driver who speaks English and doesn’t chant the same Senagalese song over and over, and fucking shows up on time. Seriously. I wish I had taken a picture of the guys hack license – his name was an advertisement for every fear of immigrants held by rednecks in the backwoods.

[4] LX40 is the best flight for me – excellent service, easy access, and more importantly, it leaves at 1 PM which means I don’t have to get up at an ungodly hour to get to Zurich, and is 12 hours non-stop. The catch is that it gets in at 16:30 Pacific, which means that after waiting in two (!?!) passport lines [5], it’s not going to be a 40 minute drive home.

[5] Yes, if it’s possible for US immigration checks to get worse, it did. Now you wait in line for the automated kiosks, then wait in line again to talk to a real person, no doubt practicing the worthless (although $1B) “behavioral detection” program.

[6] The answer would be to issue a few more medallions, and have real regulation of cabs. Real spot checks. Real fines. Real regulation. An online rating system. Combine the yelpishness of Uber with the economics necessitated by not having a million Uber drivers trying to make pickups at LAX on a Friday night.

PotD 20 September 2015


As Seen On TV!

TIL: Sticking your fingers down your throat is not a reliable nor particularly easy way to make yourself vomit (don't ask). Darn you, TV! Once again you have lied to me. I am looking at you, Burn Notice.

In my youth, I learned that hanging on to the hood of a moving car ASOTV is just about impossible. Darn you, laws of physics! For not conforming to ASOTV!

Pasadena, where the overarching city principle is “No overnight parking 2-6 AM”*

Fuck you Pasadena

* also never let a sucker make two lights in a row

PoTD 22 Aug 2015

Lone Pine

Quote of the Day 21 August 2015

Car cela libère mon esprit de la tyrannie des choses insignificantes.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry when asked why he climbs