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PotD 31 March 2017

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Things I don’t like about the 2017 MBP

See previous, and previous, for other thoughts. It’s not an overall out-of-the-park win. Or maybe a win at all. On the whole, meh. No better than the old one. You might think that’s ok then, but up until now, every new version of the MBP that I’ve had has been a solid joy over the […]

Airplane movie reviews March 2017 Lufthansa

Arrival: Interesting enough movie based on a short story I would have thought unfilmable. Not that I generally think in those terms, but when I first read it years ago, I didn’t think “that’s shooting for a screenplay and an ‘adapted-by’”. Good cast – I always like watching Jeremy Renner and Amy Adams. Why is […]

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PotD 20 February 2017


PotD 19 February 2017


Steve Jobs would never let this happen Part II

While some decisions make some sort of sense, these are a bit crazy-making: The power brick doesn’t come with the Appropriate Cable to charge the device. Despite all the posturing about USB-C being the all-singing, all-dancing wave of the future get-on-the-train-now (cough firewire thunderbolt cough), the Appropriate Cable isn’t really USB-C and can’t be used […]

Damn you autocorrect

TIL autocorrect will change the entirely correct “pin number” (referring to which pin on a connector to which a particular wire goes) to the entirely incorrect and redundant “PIN number”. Every time. Five minutes later, autocorrect was disabled. Here might be the place to note that My Benevolent Employer’s new OS imaging and MDM policy […]


I might have been in my fourth decade before I figured out that I had been taught to tie my shoes incorrectly. Pro-tip: It’s a square knot, not a granny knot. It’s still a bit of a mental catch to tie the laces correctly, even though I’ve been doing it right for all of this […]

PotD 4 January 2017


PotD 3 January 2017


PotD 2 January 2017


PotD 1 January 2017



I wonder when the first firing based on monitoring the location of your phone will occur? Has it already happened? Were you really “working from home”, or were you out goofing off? Their ability to check and see if you were at home, and their ability to monitor keystrokes on your computer will give them […]

PotD 31 December 2016


PotD 30 December 2016
