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I have an alarm clock (which I love) which wakes me up by turning on a daylight spectrum light, dim at first, then brighter, and then by playing the sounds of birdsong, quiet at first, then louder. But in a completely foreseeable turn of events, now I wake up whenever it begins to get light, […]

Can’t wait for the Apple Watch

I remember the time I was shamed for glancing at my watch (once!) by someone who spent the entire evening checking their phone.


that even if you have a Ph.D or call yourself a “system administrator” in your email sig, you can still be stupid enough to reply-all to an all-hands email without a suppressed recipient list [1]. And then have 15 other people reply-all asking to “be taken of this list”, “”stop replying-all”, and “I think you […]

QOTD 1 March 2015

But I think that it’s certain that one doesn’t only photograph with the eyes but with all one’s intelligence. — Brassaï

POTD 25 Feb 2015

POTD 24 Feb 2015

POTD 23 Feb 2015

POTD 22 Feb 2015

Val Fitch

R.I.P. Val Fitch

Of the year 2014

For me, 2014 was the year of the Mountain Goats. It’s what I’ve been listening to, and was the best concert of the year for me. I did one Mexico trip (also one the fall before) and two Maple trips, spring and fall. Also the Cathedral near St. George. Locally, I spent most of the […]


POTD 9 Feb 2015

POTD 8 Feb 2015


Does it mean anything that TUAW and MacOSXHints both went away in the past year?

Crosswalks and bus stops

So on the street I drive up to get home, there are lots of bus stops, and lots of crosswalks at unsigned intersections. It’s a five lane road with lots of traffic and relatively high speeds for a city street, so you’re kinda taking your life in your own hands should you choose to step […]

POTD 5 Feb 2015