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{ Category Archives } Rant

lawd amighty, I feel my temperature risin’


TIL that if I take a car called a ‘service’ to the airport for a work trip, it’s not fully covered, but if I take a car called a ‘taxi’, it is, even though the ‘taxi’ costs more and is less reliable and it doesn’t say anything like that in the rules. The price of […]


All persons subject to search

Another sign that the Fourth Amendment is completely gone: Let’s put the lie to rest, stop demanding that cops keep breaking the law again by filing false documents at the behest of the administration, and put up a big sign at the midtown tunnel: All persons subject to search. The choice has been made and […]


Just hard enough not to get fired


Airline scam

It’s got to be some sort of scam that I can fly to Europe, at no extra cost, with two checked bags, a laptop bag, and a personal item (camera gear), no problemo, but then when I turn around and fly home with exactly the same things on the same airline, it’s 50 euros for […]

iPad versus paper

I’m a techy kinda guy. But I tech where it’s appropriate. I didn’t buy a DSLR until the digital F100 came out, but I had digital P&S’s before that – I saw the future, I just didn’t want to spend a lot of money on it til the tech had matured. Ditto with smartphones – […]

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Could be worse

Could be raining. Remember that incident at Davis? Turns out that at every step of the way, what the students did was not only legal, but not even questionable – the authorities at UCD were told so by their legal department in advance. Also, at every step of the way, what the authorities did was […]



Windows is still a POS, even Win 7 Pro 64. But LV won’t run on a Mac, so I am forced to use it. I am regretting not getting an MBP and running BootCamp on it, though, because this $1700 Sony is also a POS. That is all.

Revealed preference

Interfluidity (ht: BdL): We are in a depression, but not because we don’t know how to remedy the problem.[..] We are choosing continued depression because we prefer it to the alternatives. […T]he preferences of developed, aging polities — first Japan, now the United States and Europe — are obvious to a dispassionate observer. Their overwhelming […]



Nothing like climbing in the sun for a couple of days after busting my ass for weeks. 50 degree weather, a little breeze – perfect to climb in the sun, lizard-mode instead of vampire-mode like we usually do. At one of the best crags in CA, and no one around but us. Dogs get to […]

Fourth Amendment gone

You can now be strip-searched for any offense, however minor. Unpaid ticket, misdemeanor off-leash dog, traffic stop. Or maybe it’s just for use at protests. Protest some government policy, get arrested at a demonstration either to make a point, or just because wrong place wrong time, and you get pepper-sprayed, abused, and strip-searched, thrown into […]



This morning a squirrel fell out of the tree exactly in the midst of me and two dogs.  We were all surprised enough that he was able to get up and make it up the tree before either of the dogs could grab him.  Swish, THUD, about a foot in front of my face, and […]


I used to be, at worst, neutral towards cats, and there were a few that I liked. Mostly I’m just allergic, so it wasn’t worth it to like cats. But then I moved into my own house, and the cats have: ruined the paint on the roof of my truck, by using it as a […]

Film Preservation Society

So now on DVDs, after the unskippable trailers and FBI warnings and ads, I get a spiel from Clint Eastwood and Martin Scorsese, who both shill for just about anything, about how I should donate to help the poor broke Hollywood studios restore all the film that they’ve been treating like crap for the last […]


Today in “I don’t feel safer”

Today I went to the new post office for the first time. They closed the branch across the street, so I can’t just walk a block anymore. Now I have to drive a few miles. This is better somehow. And the hours are 9-4, you know, when all of us working stiffs can make it. […]


There is no shortage of STEMs

Only a shortage of cheap STEMS (a tortured acronym meaning Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Put the two together, and it’s easy to see why students are too smart to go into a dying field that there is a surplus of STEM people so any calls for more H-1B visas is just an attempt to drive […]