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Point taken

Smokers are assholes.


Lest you think I am a total fanboi, here’s some things that bug the shit outta me: When I eject a disk, MacOS closes the finder window. Why!?! I was using that. When I get into the car, Podcasts/Music starts the last one I was listening too even if I had stopped it by hand. […]



Loud pipes make your neighbors think you are an asshole and hope that that stupid half-helmet doesn’t save you when the inevitable happens.


When I read the comments on /. or Verge or Giz or some other site [1], there’s always someone piping up about how real techies use Android or Linux and only fanboys, poseurs, and weak-minded sheeple confused by marketing would buy an Apple. Only marketing sells Apple, not technical proficiency or good value [2]. SJ […]

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Rob me

I travel frequently. I go to some effort to make it look like someone is home – not that I have anything worth stealing unless you like expensive photography books. My TV is still 1080p fer chrissakes. My stereo is from 1982, and it’s not one of the vintage ones that’s worth a lot of […]

USENET dead, film at 11

It’s for reals this time: Since about half of the RSS feeds I used to look at are also dead, this is pretty much it for the old non-commercial internet.


When they first came out, I thought daytime running lights were stupid. Either turn them on or turn them off. People should be capable of judgement. But they aren’t. Americans anyways [1]. Dawn, cloudy, marine layer, drizzle, and every damn car on the road these days is gray, white, or black [2], and they all […]

Dogs have learnt to take selfies

Now he’s snapchatting all his dog buddies. Not sure if my mobile bill will survive.


I just watched a BMW 5 series cutoff a Range Rover and an AMG and I don’t know how to feel. No turn signals of course.


Pasadena still hates bikes. They make bike lanes to nowhere (Sierra Madre Villa – best bike lane in Pas, goes nowhere, gets driven in by cars, no enforcement. Also see Marengo for about a mile), refuse to pave bike lanes that are guaranteed pinch flats at any speed (Raymond), get buffaloed when they try to […]

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Newspapers dead, film at 11

It’s been a long time since I’ve been woken up at 4 AM by a crappy car with a loud exhaust stopping at every house [0]. Or any house. Small blessing. Now if I could just get the LA Times to stop littering my driveway with that goddam Hoy! trash… how is that legal even […]


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